Calendar of Events 2019 |
January | |||
February | |||
March | 28.03. | Kuncův memoriál – program 2019 | Praha |
April | 10.-12.04. | XXVI. Postgraguální kurz v neurochirurgii | Hradec Králové |
May | 22.-24.05. | Mikrovaskulární kurz | České Budějovice |
June | |||
July | |||
August | |||
September | 15.-17.09. | XVII.Kongres České Spondylochirurgické Společnosti ČLS JEP | Praha |
October |
10.-12.10. | Výroční kongres 2019 – odkaz | Konopiště |
31.10.-2.11. | Kongres chirurgie ruky – aktivní účast | Ústí nad Labem | |
November | 07.-08.11. | Brněnské neurochirurgické dny | Brno |
December |
Calendar of Events 2019 in the World |
January | |||
February | |||
March | |||
April | |||
May | 19.-22.05. | The 67th Scandinavian Neurosurgical Congress an the 38th Herbert Olivecrona Symposium in Stockholm | Stockholm, Sweden |
June | |||
July | 31.07.-3.8. | The Pittsburgh course: Comprehensive endoscopic endonasal surgery of the scull base | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA |
August | 22.-24.08. | 2nd Seens international neurosurgical course | Zagreb, Croatia |
September |
05.-06.09. | 6th Annual EANS Vascular section meeting | Nice, France |
07.-08.09. | Cambridge lectures in neurosurgical anatomy | Cambridge, UK | |
08.-12.09. | WFNS Congress Beijing 2019 | Beijing, Čína | |
11.-13.09. | Copenhagen peripheral nerve surgery course 2019 | Copenhagen, Denmark | |
24.-28.09. | EANS Dublin | Dublin, Irsko | |
29.9.-1.10. | 1st Neurooncology international course (NOIC2019) | Dubrovnik, Croatia | |
October | 03.-04.10. | 2nd EANS Trauma and critical care meeting | Milazzo, Italy |
16.-18.10. | Eurospine 2019 | Helsinki, Finsko | |
24.-27.-10. | 5TH Annual Meeting Of Serbian Neurosurgical Society With International Participation – pozvánka |
Kragujevac, Serbia | |
November | 13.-15. 11. | Bratislavské neurochirurgické dny | Bratislava, Slovensko |
19.-21.11. | EANS Cranial Step I HandsOn Course | Brno, Česká republika | |
December | 05.-09.2019 | 15th Asian Australasian congress of Neurological surgeons and 68th Annual conference of The Neurological society of India | Mumbai, India |