done_header = true; } public function footer() { $this->done_footer = true; } public function feedback($string) { if (isset($this->upgrader->strings[$string])) $string = $this->upgrader->strings[$string]; if (strpos($string, '%') !== false) { $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_splice($args, 1); if ($args) { $args = array_map('strip_tags', $args); $args = array_map('esc_html', $args); $string = vsprintf($string, $args); } } if (empty($string)) return; $this->output .= "


"; } } class WP_Export_Upgrader_Skin extends WP_Upgrader_Skin { public $output = ""; public function header() { $this->done_header = true; } public function footer() { $this->done_footer = true; } public function feedback($string) { if (isset($this->upgrader->strings[$string])) $string = $this->upgrader->strings[$string]; if (strpos($string, '%') !== false) { $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_splice($args, 1); if ($args) { $args = array_map('strip_tags', $args); $args = array_map('esc_html', $args); $string = vsprintf($string, $args); } } if (empty($string)) return; $this->output .= "


"; } } class CoreUpdateHelper { public static $slug = 'themler-core'; public static $themeDir; public static $zipSource; public static $pluginSource; public static $pluginDest; public static $pluginMainFile; public static function initialize() { self::$themeDir = FilesHelper::normalize_path(get_template_directory()); self::$zipSource = self::$themeDir . '/plugins/' . self::$slug . '.zip'; self::$pluginSource = self::$themeDir . '/export/' . self::$slug; self::$pluginDest = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . self::$slug; self::$pluginMainFile = self::$pluginDest . '/' . self::$slug . '.php'; } public static function updateFromTheme() { self::_createPluginZip(); if (self::_needPluginUpdate()) { self::_updatePlugin(); } self::_updateScriptsAndStyles(self::$pluginDest . '/shortcodes/assets'); } private static function _createPluginZip() { FilesHelper::create_dir(self::$themeDir . '/plugins'); FilesHelper::remove_file(self::$zipSource); $archive = new PclZip(self::$zipSource); // update scripts and styles before creating zip self::_updateScriptsAndStyles(self::$pluginSource . '/shortcodes/assets'); if (0 == $archive->create(self::$pluginSource, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, self::$themeDir . '/export/')) throw new Exception("Unable to create themler-core zip. Create error: " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } public static function getInstalledVersion() { if (!file_exists(self::$pluginMainFile)) { return ''; } $info = get_plugin_data(self::$pluginMainFile); return $info ? $info['Version'] : ''; } public static function getPreparedVersion() { $info = get_file_data(self::$pluginSource . '/' . self::$slug . '.php', array('Version' => 'Version')); return $info['Version']; } private static function _needPluginUpdate() { $new_version = self::getPreparedVersion(); $version = self::getInstalledVersion(); return !$version || version_compare($version, $new_version, '<'); } private static function _updatePlugin() { try { // remove old plugin FilesHelper::empty_dir(self::$pluginDest, true); // Prepare variables for Plugin_Installer_Skin class. $extra = array('slug' => self::$slug); $skin_args = array( 'type' => 'upload', 'plugin' => self::$pluginDest, 'extra' => $extra, ); $skin = new WP_Export_Upgrader_Skin($skin_args); $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $result = $upgrader->install(self::$zipSource); if ($result === false || $result === null) { throw new Exception('Core update error: ' . $upgrader->skin->output); } if (is_wp_error($result)) { throw new Exception('Core update error: ' . $upgrader->skin->output . "\n" . $result->get_error_message()); } } catch(PermissionDeniedException $e) { $check_folders = theme_get_permissions_check_folders(); $check_folders[] = WP_PLUGIN_DIR; $msg = str_replace('{folders}', '
  1. ' . implode('
  2. ', $check_folders) . '
', $e->getExtendedMessage()); throw new PluginInstallException("Can't update themler-core plugin.\n" . $msg); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new PluginInstallException("Can't update themler-core plugin.\n" . $e->getMessage()); } } private static function _updateScriptsAndStyles($dest) { FilesHelper::create_dir($dest); FilesHelper::create_dir($dest . '/css'); FilesHelper::create_dir($dest . '/js'); self::_copyAssetsFromTheme(self::$themeDir, $dest, array( 'bootstrap.css', 'bootstrap.min.css', 'style.css', 'style.min.css', '', 'bootstrap.min.js', 'script.js', 'layout.core.js', '', )); FilesHelper::copy_recursive(self::$themeDir . '/fonts', $dest . '/css/fonts'); } private static function _copyAssetsFromTheme($src, $dest, $files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $src_path = $src . '/' . $file; $path_info = pathinfo($src_path); if (empty($path_info['extension'])) { } else if ($path_info['extension'] === 'css') { FilesHelper::copy_recursive($src_path, $dest . '/css/' . $file); } else if ($path_info['extension'] === 'js') { FilesHelper::copy_recursive($src_path, $dest . '/js/' . $file); } } } public static function isPluginActive() { return is_plugin_active(self::$slug . '/' . self::$slug . '.php'); } public static function activatePlugin() { if (!self::isPluginActive()) { activate_plugin(self::$pluginMainFile); } } } CoreUpdateHelper::initialize(); class PluginInstallException extends Exception { public function getExtendedMessage() { return '[PHP_NOT_ERROR]' . parent::getMessage() . '[PHP_NOT_ERROR]'; } };